The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Making Your Mark

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We started decorating The Eldest Mini Princess’s bedroom today.

The last time it was painted was 5 years ago. EMP was moving in there from the room she shared with The Youngest Mini Princess. She was in her last year of primary school and wanted to have her own room. To say that YMP was unhappy with this change would be a significant understatement. The evening after the big separation, YMP had a bath and without drying, marched into EMP’s sparkly new bedroom and pressed her wet derrière against the newly painted walls leaving a very distinctive ‘bum print.’ To say that EMP was annoyed would be another significant understatement. I, on the other hand, almost bit through my lip to prevent myself from laughing. I still think it’s hilarious (as does EMP now that time has passed).

Stamping your actual @rse on something that annoys you. Ingenious!*


* Although I can see why it wouldn’t catch on at work.

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