Proud big brother

Kerr had his first hold of his new baby brother today. He came to the hospital yesterday to visit also, but today had his first proper cuddle.

He is very caring towards Mack and jumps to his side every time he cries.
I think they are going to be great friends.

Kerr had fun opening all his presents with kerrsdaddy this morning before coming in to visit us at the hospital. They then went to have Christmas dinner with his cousins in Renfrewshire, and kerrsdaddy came back to the hospital again in the evening.

Santa visited all the new babies and mummies on the ward today, which was lovely. Mack received two pairs of Christmas socks, and I was given a set of lip balms. The ward had a bit of a festive feel today and it was open visiting from 10am, so a nice atmosphere. Still not like being at home for Christmas, but we will make up for it in years to come, and Mack is the best Christmas present we could have received.

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