Christmas Day

We had a civilised wake up call of 8am this morning.
Kerrsdaddy is still feeling not very well, he started with a Norovirus type bug yesterday :-(

After pressies were opened, it was time to get the big Christmas feast ready in time for the hungry guests arriving.

Kerr was a very lucky boy and among other things, he received: a balance bike, an organ, lego, books, jigsaws, a shopping till, a camera and a playmobil aeroplane. Santa brought him the bike and the organ. He is not too sure about the bike, I think he likes the idea of it best. Hopefully he will get used to it and get some practice once the weather improves.

Our new cooker was fabulous for cooking the Christmas dinner, and along with the help of mum's hostess trolley, we managed to pull off a pretty good feast, if I do say so myself! Poor kerrsdaddy didn't manage any of it though, and not even a festive tipple either.

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