
By scharwenka

In the Best Possible Taste?

As I said in my contribution from yesterday, our daughter made an unexpected and very welcome visit to us.

We were able to exchange Christmas presents at last. My photograph today is of one of my presents from her.

It is a pencil sharpener in the shape of a cat (rather a fine one). Delicacy (or decency) does not permit me to explain where the pencil has to go, but I can say that the orifice is not visible in my 'photo...

When the pencil is inserted, the cat starts miaouwing most piteously. I regret to say that we all fell about laughing uncontrollably when we found out what happened. That must say something about the attitude towards vulgar humour of the five adults who were present.

What fun we all had! Thank you, dearest daughter.

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