
By Madchickenwoman


It was the Bikers Festival in the village this weekend. The sound of swarms of angry bees going up and down my road intermittently and heavy metal music floating up from the village! I'd intended to go down late afternoon to help Party Girl and The Exile set up the cocktail bar. They run it from the village hall in the summer to raise funds. Come the time I really wasn't in the mood, and even the lure of taking photos of the event wasn't strong enough! So as usual come 10pm I was hanging out my attic window taking photos of their fireworks! When they finish I love the roar of appreciation that errupts from the village! People come into the village from Plymouth and surrounding towns and villages for this event, I never move my car as all spaces are snapped up! 
I like this photo as it looks like a new Universe is being created! The train didn't stop on the viaduct this year, it just went whizzing across! 

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