A Drookit Bumble

It looks like it was caught in the downpour that PD and I missed by going out a wee bit later than usual this morning.

Apart from taking D out a couple of times, all I have done today is process pictures.
I started off with the ones from yesterday - just so I could get them out of the way as they required a lot less processing than the ones from the wedding reception …….. the place was a nightmare for pictures - loads of lights in a low roof, lighting and video stands everywhere for the official photographer, mike and music stands from the band...……. you name it it was encroaching into the shots.
But I have started!

I have put a picture in the extras box of the commissioned piece I made showing its intended purpose.
It seems to have gone done well as it is being loaned out for another wedding and both the florist and cake maker have apparently been enquiring where they can get one from.

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