It's That Time Of Year Again

Pittenweem Arts Festival is on this week.

As usual, I took pictures of my metal bashing friends work for him.
This piece in in Titanium and is about 2' tall.
I took it across the road to use the harbour as a background trying to give context of location and add a bit of complimentary colour to the shot (being arty farty really).

There is some fantastic stuff again this year (I really need a big lottery win). 
SWMBO and I were both very taken with the ceramics of John Scott and came away with one of his copper oxide pots (which don't seem to be featured on his website - but will be here when I photograph it).
I loved the photographs by Donald MacEwan, the Chaplain at St. Andrew's University. His work is described in the list of exhibitors as "Featuring people and places from the world's faiths from St Monans to Samarkand"  - he described his work as "snapshots from his travels". I would describe it as so much more than either of these descriptions.

It was a long day with much walking (much up and down steep steps and braes) and weather that went from bright sun to thunder storms and torrential rain (which we managed to avoid by being inside). I have put a couple of shots in the extras box to show the contrast in weather.

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