Greve in Chianti

We had a busy day, driving down the rough white gravel road to Greve in Chianti where we’d promised the children a real Italian pizza. Ella, Thomas and James lived theirs but Nathaniel preferred his Dad’s wild boar and pici.

We had a wander - this is Ella and Thomas investigating the modern art work on our way to find the gelateria.

We had a look in the church. Ella thought she’d prove God wasn’t real by lighting a candle and asking to see a flying unicorn. We did attempt to explain that wasn’t how it worked but it was too hot.

Back at Villa Stefano Ella and Thomas perfected their underwater handstands in the big pool while I got directed in play by James in the little pool. I was Granny Shark and they were bang sharks who had got layered and Granny saved them. Over and over.

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