Learning day by day

By EmmaF

William's first attempt Hama Beads

W decided to be wide awake from 04.00 to after 05.00 this morning. Not a good way to start. He is so tired, he is almost transparent. However he went to T's today very happily, although T did comment on how tired he looks.

Carys went to creche, whilst I went to the new studio lauch at the gym. I thought I was doing Body Combat, turned out it was body attack and there was a surprise warm up. The surprise was that the warm up was Burlesque, which they have added to their timetable. At this point I need to tell you exactly how much I HATE dance based exercise classes. There are many reasons for this but now I can add being told to 'pose' at the end of every track! I have nothing against burlesque, infact I can imagine in the right place and time and in the right clothes, it could be fun, but not in the gym studio in trainers and a running t-shirt and shorts!

The actual body attack class was good and I think I may do it again. I knew I had done some exercise, but other than my arms from the pressups at the end, I can't feel it now.

Back home with C for lunch and some homework. Then we headed out to investigate bikes mostly for me and a quick look at what size frame we would need for her if the seat on her bike won't go up any further. Sadly we ended up in Halfords as our local shop was shut, it being Wednesday.

Back home to do some more thank you letters, then off to pick up the boy. W had been super busy at T's. He was really excited to show us what he had been making and almost showed me the birthday card he has made. Oops! However, pride of place was given to his Hama bead heart. He made it all on his own, once he had been shown what to do. He was the only one who didn't knock it over (the six year old did that) and he had the concentration that his three year old friend didn't have. To think that I have refused to have the Hama beads out while he was around incase of him trashing them, now we'll have to keep them away because he will want to join in. Shall have to get some just for him, that aren't Princesess or Ballet Dancers.

Off to London tomorrow for my birthday day out. Room on the Broom followed by picnic style lunch, the Transport Museum and the meeting Daddy for tea at Pizza Express before all travelling home together. Lovely.

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