Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Christmas Jumpers!

It's not the clearest of shots, but Mr Pink did his best - so here we are in our Christmas Jumpers. Me, Master Pink, Auntie Pink, baby B and Miss Pink. We have had Christmas part two today - which has been as lovely and crazy as it should be. Just a bit shorter!! Mum made a yummy roast dinner for us all complete with crackers and Christmas pud. And as is tradition a 5p wrapped in tin foil tucked under the slice of pudding! Lots more pressies to unwrap. The mini pinks have been so spoiled this year, gorgeous pressies, and they are so pleased with them. Miss Pink spent ages playing with her Auntie, playing barbie, and with a wooden ballerina dress up toy that Grandma had given her. Master Pink was his usual fidgety self, but was pleased to spend time with his uncles, Auntie, and cousin.
A lovely afternoon.

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