Old Knobbley
A mixture of weather types curtailed our plans to walk along the beach. We tried but Miss Pink could hardly walk against the wind and Master Pink got sand in his eyes and all in all it just wasn't happening. We'd already had lunch waiting for the weather to clear, so after our brief storm beaten escapade we headed back to the car. More cobwebs needed blowing away and more energy expelled by Master Pink, who has been jumping about like a loon this morning!! We decided to head nearer to home and go and visit old Knobbley. He's a very old tree, given the name because of his shape I believe. We followed the newish fitness trail through the woods until we reached his woody-ness. Master Pink was up straight away. Miss Pink needed more encouragement and a helping hand from Daddy, but she did it, and she was very proud. From then on, we were all a family of dragons, who lived in the castle (tree) and who only blow flames when angry, the rest of the time we puff little puffs of smoke!
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