POG's Journal


Tough, Tough, Tough…

My Day:
Slept better last night… normal routine, check resting heart rate, check blood pressure, make a drink, mess around on the computer whilst I have my drink and breakfast.
I did a bit of food prep, I think I was secretly trying to avoid going out on the bike. Did the PowerBreathe exercise then on the bike.
Once home uploaded the results to Strava and then had a bath then back to bed for a sleep.
Dinner then legs elevated whilst watching TV.
Day 28/92
42 miles and 2,329 feet of climbing done today… Rained on me about an hour into the ride and I got nice and wet, it only lasted for about 30 minutes and then the sun was back out.

I knew I was going to tag on an extra loop onto a route I normally do but was unsure how many miles it would add. It turned out about 10 miles and 570 feet of climbing. So, in readiness I took some food with me on this ride, as my maximum is normally about 30 miles, I never take food.

On the flat road from East Meon to West Meon I tucked into the first of two rather small peanut butter sandwiches, I have made them earlier, removed the crust and wrapped them individually in clingfilm. A rather nice snack at 18 mph in the rain, the clingfilm was a bit tricky to open in the rain.

Once at West Meon I took a left turn onto A32 and then a few hundred yards further another left turn onto the dreaded Station Road. I dropped down to my lowest gear, which I last used on the Col d'Aubisque many moons ago and struggled up there at an average of 7 mph for 11 minutes. The gradient eases for the rest of the climb but as you reach the top it is quite exposed, and the wind was not my friend…

On the downhill from Mercury to the Bat and Ball pub sandwich number two was scoffed, turn right at the Bat and Ball and drop down to Hambledon, the windy was very noticeable but gravity sort of equalized everything.

Through Hambledon village and the right up to the Grenville climb, the wind was on my back which did help, and I would not say it was easy but better than I thought. Over the top then a short drop and left towards Soberton. Once up the little climb and heading towards Newtown I eat a small banana.

After Newton I really started to fade and was into the wind which did not help matters. I limped home with rather soggy feet, that last 30 minutes was not fun in the slightest… If someone was telling me this story, I would be coming out with nonsense like its character building, these tough days are when the races are won… fortunately I don’t listen to the voices in my head anymore – he-he.

 I’m pleased I got around the route as Station Road was on my hit list and I will do the same route again during this experiment. I have another route I would like to do but based on today results I don’t believe I could do it… maybe one for day 92…
Cameras like today's ride… Tough, Tough, Tough.
More tomorrow


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