
Made this wee iPad case from the Strathspey Originals vintage tweed I picked up a while back in Mr Ben's. I was feeling the need to make something from scratch, not following a pattern but making up my own design and had the perfect opportunity tonight when Carlos was busy with his friend who popped round.

In the afternoon Marisol and I went out for coffee and ended up at Braehead (with the rest of the western world) to spend the monsoon vouchers she got me for Christmas. I got a gorgeous top and a dress that can be either casual or work wear so that was a result!

There's a massive navy boat out on the river tonight lit up like Blackpool illuminations. I took a shot of it coming in but with the drizzle and cloud it was a vision in greyness! If the conditions are better it might make a grand blip tomorrow.

I'm enjoying this quiet time off now that Carlos is off too and the festivities are all but past. We have the travelling Bennett's coming on Friday so I'm looking forward to seeing them all, it's a shame the kids won't be home but they will be elsewhere celebrating their dad's birthday. I keep forgetting it's January already, now I'm seriously pushing 40!

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