an angel from afar...

...surprised me today

by sending me an angel present - to celebrate our friendship...

now - i was just chatting about friends the other day... the differences between good friends and best friends - boo! i failed to mention one other quality of friends, people - so listen up...

they notice! yup... friends remember things about you - they'll pay attention to what you say - or comment on - or fawn over - or blip umpteen times... store the intell away - then pull it out and surprise you when you least expect it - it is in the noticing and the acting upon it, which makes a difference - it tells you, they get you - they are really listening - observing - watching - comprehending... in friendship, that's so very important - so you know you're valued - cherished - someone!

...and sooooo - i go to my mailbox this afternoon - inside? is this angel surprise... isn't she lovely? from an angel afar, who's been paying attention to me - now knows i love angels and collect them - isn't that brilliant of her - actually she sent me 2 angels - this is just the one i've decided to blip - both have sent me spinning into the happy skippy dance across the floor... startling the poor princess gracie - but i swept her up - explaining my joy and just why it's...


happy day.....

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