
...a coot -

flying through the air...

yes - they do indeed fly... not just skip across the water - which is what i've only seen them do... or this clumsy half-run, half-walk kind of thingy to sort of charge into the little lake i visit... i always end up giggling at them - they are so funny...

today - i was mightily surprised out of my socks, people... (my toots aren't happy about having to be in them - in this cold weather either - let me tell you - give me flipflops back soon...) but i digress - where was i? oh, yes - out of my socks - when for some reason, this little guy - got all startled by something or other - i thought he was just going to run for the hills - and suddenly... my goodness - airborne! he was in the air - fully in flight - a coot... wings outspread - looking a bit off balance - but flying...

just lookit him - i felt so proud of his efforts as he plopped into the water - free and clear from whatever he'd been afraid of - finally safe... i almost clapped - but the camera was in my hands - oh but the simple things - that make for...


happy day.....

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