Animal Friends

It's been  breezy day, and a bit cooler.  Some fine sunny spells this morning, but clouded over in the afternoon.  Still cloudy tonight, and fairly calm.

Another day working on the museum desk.  A quieter morning at Boat Week, but a fairly busy afternoon.  Plenty  more activities on, and a talk tonight.  Met up with mam for lunch.  Walkies with Sammy after tea, and then headed to the peat hill.  I got a good bit more done, and then the midges arrived!  Feet up for the night now. 

Me and Sammy were out enjoying a fine walk, and heading along the main road.  As we approached a croft, there was plenty of activity going on in the rig.  We were first greeted by a friendly caddy lamb, then a second one, along with two ponies, and calf and her mother.  A real friendly bunch, and all wanted a clap and scratch behind the ears.  Funny to watch the ponies charge about, chasing the lambs, and then the lambs copying the pony jumping moves.  Pictured here are some of the gang, as they chased Sammy along the side of the road, Sammy was glad of the fence!  Taken at the Burland Croft Trail, Trondra.  

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