Still Life with Grapes and Cherries

I opened the newly arrived copy of the RPS Visual Art magazine this morning to find an inspiring article by Polina Plotnikova. She is a much admired flower and still life photographer in UK. She's also an expert in the use of LensBaby lenses. 

Regrettably, the RPS reminded me only a few days ago that I had signed up for a flower photography workshop with Polina for the coming Monday. The date was not in my calendar so I'd almost forgotten assuming that I couldn't really have booked it. So I've missed out on that. Being on a Monday also brings me into conflict with responsibilities for looking after William. I must think again. The arrival of the magazine has been helpful. I look at the photos and try to work out how they were taken, but guidance in the use of studio lighting for flower photography would have been welcome.

I also wonder how she finds all the bits and pieces she uses in her still life setup and whether she has enough room to store them all. I wouldn't mind a white table, a lacy tablecloth and a stone slab.

Len, Basil and I went into Loughborough to close unused accounts at the Halifax, which has made me a little bit richer, and to find gluten free goodies at M&S. I prefer their gluten free stuff to anywhere else. We sat outside Muffin Break. I bought Len a Bacon and Brie panini and a latte each. Most annoyed that they'd sold out of gluten free scones, so started eating my M&S wheat free rocky road in revenge.

Lovely thunder clouds were sweeping in from the south. We sped home to try and avoid the rain, although Basil and Len got rather wet when they went for a walk later. I did pick up a small jug, an unusual vase (see photo) and some lacy doilies as props. As you can see I've made a start on following the inspiration, but I was using a Lensbaby Velvet 56 lens. I've ordered a Composer Pro which should enable me to pick out selective focus.

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