In & out and an August challenge

My very lovely owner, Ann, is on a bit of a mission........................ to walk half a million steps in a month (or possibly a million steps in 6 weeks?). A couple of weeks ago some sort of challenge popped up on her FB page to walk a 'million steps in 3 months'. Mmmmmm..................... that's not really a challenge as that's just over 10,000 steps a day and anyone who has a dog will do that anyway. So Ann thought she would do the challenge in a month. Mmmmmmm...................... that equates to more than 33,000 steps a day. That's a lot of steps. …...........And actually Ann has a life. And has more to do than walk me for miles and miles. And I'm only 8 months old, so according to all the 'intellectual information' on the internet a puppy should only be getting 5 mins of exercise per month of their life, per day. According to all that crap information I should only be getting 40 mins of walks per day????????????? Sometimes the internet is not the best place to find information?! 

Anyway Ann is on a mission to walk 20,000 steps a day. And to climb 10 flights of 56 stairs every day. And to cut down on the amount of wine she drinks. Yep that's a real challenge?!!  And to lose a stone and a half.

As we had our very lovely friend, Heather, staying with us for the first few days of August we didn't get on track straight away. …......................But now we're on 'a mission' for the rest of the month. We're on track with the steps and the flights of stairs. As for the 'cutting back on wine' and losing weight...................... Mmmmmmm................... doesn't look like its going to happen. Boohooo.  All this walking and stair climbing and Ann has actually put on 2lbs since last week?!!

Oh well, ho hum, I suppose one can't have it all?!

Anyway today Ann was 'in & out' all day.  I had my morning walk and then Ann went out, I had my lunchtime walk and then Ann went out, I had my afternoon walk and then Ann went out.  And then Ann came home at 7.30pm and said, 'Trixie, you don't need another walk until bedtime.' I'd already had my dinner but Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm hungry. I'm going to have Chicken in Prosecco & mushroom sauce for dinner because I have just bought a dine in for two meal from Tesco I am a domestic goddess!


Ann went into Tesco on the way home for a bottle of wine but if you can get a whole meal for 2 for £10, including the wine (which is worth £7), why on earth would you bother to cook for yourself? …................So the mince that Ann took out of the freezer this morning to make a shepherds pie with, is now in the fridge.


Oh and the wine is almost drunk!

And if anyone is interested............................. This is my, 'it's raining look'. Rain on my first thing in the morning walk, rain on my lunchtime walk but amazingly no rain on my afternoon walk.

I'm playing with my toys now but I think I'm going to get pretty wet on my bedtime wee walk??!!


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