Focusing on the Wrong thing.

Today was Doughnut Day the 10th.

To begin with it was looking a little doomed due to the weather forecast and the 'ding dong' we had yesterday but once Mr W had finished working, we headed off down to Brighton.

I set up camp with Bella while he went to find Doughnuts.

We had a lovely time snuggled up on the beach with our Fur Baby in between us and the sun shone for a little while. 

I cancelled the Will lady for today but plan on having her come back another time once I have had time to talk about it again with Mr W. If he remains unresponsive to the idea, I shall just make one on my own, but I can only leave half the estate. But that's better than nothing I guess.

Sadly the camera must have slipped as I ran back to Mr W and Bella after setting the timer. But the wind was blowing, I spilt my coffee and lost my lens cap so taking the shot again suddenly wasn't important.

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