Sign Your Name

I came downstairs this morning to find this snail signing his name in the condensation on the outside of the glass (it is kind of humid today).
The other shot with the beast in focus is in the extras.

There was more toing and froing today ….. transporting kids from mother to father.

There was also shopping for a birthday present for Squirrel. 
God, but I hate going to the shopping centre - especially on a Saturday.
It is the rude, ignorant and just plain stupid that populate the place. The worst are the ones who walk around with headphones on whilst seeing nothing except the screen on their infernal phone in their hand.

I went out to cut the front hedge this afternoon. Goy about 4 feet of it done and the rain started. I left it as long as possible to put away the electrical bits and pieces ……….. 5 minutes later it stopped! 
Ahh well! There is always tomorrow ……. hopefully.

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