Beyond A Joke

Not just this moron's parking …… Yes - that was parked in the middle of the of road which goes all the way round the car park.
I am talking about Blip which seems to be the only site that causes my curser to jump about randomly whilst typing and since I am not a touch typist, causing stuff to be typed randomly in the middle of text already written. It also fairly frequently jumps back to the browser page when I hit the 'return' button to start a new paragraph losing everything I have typed up ..…..normally when I have put in links and am nearly finished my monologue. This is the third time of trying for this entry. I am going to have to drop Blip Central a line - apparently I am not the only person it happens to.
The other people who will be getting a line dropped to them are the DVLA and the Ministry Of Transport - one of my neighbours who has a garage business has taken to bringing home customers cars on trade plates and is even allowing his wife to use them!

The Cygnet was in his room having a wobbly when we arrived which didn't bode well for the day, however, things had settled down in time to take the monsters to the last day of their Kids Club.

Squirrel didn't have gymnastics in the afternoon due to a 'Messy Play' party - which accounted for her weird hairstyle.
While she was there, the three of us went to the garden centre for a drink (or two in The Cygnet's case) and some cake. Despite the sky it stayed dry and The Cygnet got to spend a good length of time in the playpark.

In the evening we attended the 'show' put on so that parents/Grandparents/carers could get a taste of what the kids had been doing all week. Can you guess what the theme was this year?
During the refreshments afterwards, the monsters and one of their friends insisted on each taking a picture of me. This was the best. I think I might have to get Squirrel to take all my blips.

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