Weight loss journey- slow but steady
Starting weight (25 May 2018 = 273lb)
Today’s weight = 179.4lb
Average weight last week = 180.6lb
Average weight this week = 179.7lb
Weight loss this week =0.9lb
Note: I weigh every day first thing and calculate weight loss based on average weight for the week.
It may be slow but it’s still going down and I achieved one of my last week’s gaols (being below 180lb) and partially achieved the other (gaining the FitBit 95lb lost badge for the first time during the week). My goal for the next week must be to reduce my weight for the week by 0.6lb so that the 95lb badge is mine for keeps. I should be able to do this with willpower, determination and no let up in terms of diet and exercise.
Not such a good week weather-wise so not been able to burn as many calories as usual in the allotments. Time there has been limited to harvesting vegetables for meals. Tomatoes are now yielding ripe fruit and there’s too many squashes, courgettes and marrows - it’s difficult to find homes for them.
At the Peak my efforts have not diminished attending gym each day apart from Friday when I attended my third Cardio Dance Class instead. The calories burn I get from it (479 this week); the added bonus of steps it adds to my FitBit (3,941 this week); and the fun and laughs, make it a no brain choice over a gym session. The Cardio Dance Class is now part of the itinerary of classes I attend each week (2 Fit4Life, 1 Cardio Dance and 1 Spin). Another contender for the itinerary is Yoga. I was “dragged” kicking, screaming and shouting into a yoga class this week by my Spin and Cardio Dance instructor (not quite true: it did not take that much to persuade me). I survived the experience and managed more than I thought possible. Although Yoga classes don’t offer much in terms of steps and calorie burn the benefits in terms of strength, flexibility, coordination, relaxation and wellbeing make it so worthwhile.
Now it’s off to the gym for me after mailing this for a 2 hour weight and strength session - I’ve got a 95lb lost badge to earn
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