Upside Down
On the Tenth Day of Christmas, one of the Ten Lords was not A-Leaping,
A combination of his knees and recent sleep deprivation.
His True Love was little better, although her knees were blameless.
Although some of the office and shop workers are back in harness, it seems that the holiday lethargy still prevails.
George Square gardens were an oasis of silence broken only by a bird singing unseen.
The brash, noisy students with their loud conversation into phones and to each other were still absent from campus, allowing me perfect peace to walk the Labyrinth in the garden; no background construction noise to break the perfect calm, just that bird in the bush, insistent in his calling.
I am a sociable creature, but sometimes there is the need to have a solitary space in the bustle of city life. I had that this morning.
There is always the temptation to fiddle with reflections in the multitude of puddles around.
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