Greyfriar's Kirkyard

Inclement (of weather):-stormy, severe, tempestuous, merciless.

Add: dreich, miserable, soaking, with horizontal rain, utterly depressing......and you get the idea of today's weather.
The heating is on, the windows are battered by rain and tossing leaves and we have to venture out into the rain and gales later this afternoon to an 'at home'.
Even the seagulls are hunkered down on the sodden grass over the railings with their backs to the west wind.

I was interested to note that the local hotel guests were being issued with golf umbrellas to combat the rain; I imagine they have been carried aloft by now and are in the stratosphere somewhere above the North Sea. They probably didn't know that umbrellas are less than useless in this Edinburgh weather, but they will now.

My blip of Greyfriar's cemetery only 'makes it' today because there is nothing so atmospheric and soul destroying on a dank, wet day than an ancient burial ground with blackened headstones and gaping crypts.

This one is a favourite of mine being more or less on my doorstep with rather good views over the old town. The photo was taken before the worst of the weather closed in.

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