Rain, rain & more rain & appalling behaviour

You wouldn't believe the number of times Ann has taken her clothes off today?! …..........At least 5 times if anyone is interested. I've had 2 little walks and one big walk, Ann's done a 'meet & greet' and also been to Tesco. …............And it hasn't stopped raining all day.

This is what the park looked like this afternoon when I went for my play. The burn was flowing so fast I didn't dare go in for a little paddle. But this is what the grass looked like. Lots of little ponds had popped up for me to go splish, splash, sploshing in. Yay!

And then.................. Ann came home from her 'meet & greet' and took me outside for a wee because I'm a good girl now and always have a wee when I'm told and got soaked again. This rain is relentless!

Anyway 5 mins after that, guess who arrived?.......................... Ann's friend Kay. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kay and I haven't seen her for about 6 weeks so I went into 'mad hyper puppy mode'. I was jumping up at her and jumping on and off the sofa and jumping onto the back of the sofa and it took me about 15 mins before I became calm. Ann kept telling me that my behaviour was appalling and she was going to tell everyone in Blipland how naughty I was being. ….......But I didn't care.

When it's just me & Ann in the house, I'm as good as gold. But the minute we have visitors I'm like a spoilt little brat. I go into 'mega show off mode'.


Kay was only here for about an hour so that Ann could feed her in between hospital visits. She lives with her 85 year old Dad and arrived home last night to find that he'd fallen out of bed. How horrendous that must have been. Especially as she didn't know how long he'd been there and she couldn't lift him and it was Saturday night when the emergency services are stretched to the limit. Long story short – he eventually got carted off to hospital where he still is.

Ann & Kay had gammon steaks for tea but Kay didn't eat all of hers so she cut the remains into little bits and mixed it in with my dinner. Yum, yum, yum. I LOVE Kay!

And now we're going to spend the evening watching TV.

…..................And it's still raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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