Wet, wet and wet

It had rained all night, quite heavily, so it was a relief to find that the tent didn't leak. The worst that happened was that a bit of a puddle formed on the vestibule groundsheet. It was very noisy, however - had periods of wakefulness listening to it.

Decided on visits that would be at least partially under cover - Glenluce Abbey, then down to the Isle of Whithorn to see St Ninian's chapel and eventually to Whithorn itself, where we visited the Priory. Had a guided tour of a very handsome Iron Age house reconstruction.

It kept raining off and on (mostly on) so in Wigtown we retreated into a bookshop, remarkably managing to escape without buying anything. I was a bit startled when I rounded a corner to find Meles meles looking at me.

Called in at Morrisons in Stranraer for emergency supplies of stuff we could eat under cover without having to go outside to cook.

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