Mono Monday.: : Melange

There is much driftwood to be had at the mouth of the Russian River where it washes into the sea at Jenner. Some enterprising soul has figured out a way to to combine it to make an attractive plant stand/pillar at one of our local nurseries....a melange within a melange as the nursery itself is a delightful melange of plants of all kinds. We went there in search of some ecchium 

Since he has been sidelined from class (after a single visit) until he gets the go-ahead from Kathy to go back, I convinced OilMan to go to the preview meeting for the classes which will be presented this fall in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Sonoma State. Their motto is No Grades. No Tests. Learning...for the Joy of It. The offerings range from 'Trump's Non-Economic Economic Policies'  to a history of computers and the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence to 'How Does My Hair Look?: The History of Potrtaiture and self-Portraiture in Art and Photography.'  There will also be a course on 'Wine's Amazing Diversity' taught by the wine columnist for the local newspaper. 

The only way to choose just one class is to go to this preview in which each teacher has five minutes in which to sell their class.  (I guess using 'their' is no longer grammatically incorrect but a politically correct gender neutral pronoun) The personalities of the teachers make all the difference. The wine class sounds fascinating but conflicts with Friday Pilates followed by coffee. or coffee? Probably the fact that the wine class is at 9:30 am will be the deciding factor...a bit more suitable for coffee even in the heart of wine country.

Thanks to 60Plus for a challenging challenge....

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