
By Enzotraveldog

Saved by the grandkids!

Dear Blippers
It’s unusually cold on the Sunshine Coast today. Top of 21 but SE windchill making it feel like 16. In a place where no one owns an overcoat, that means the dog beach was virtually deserted this morning!
It was too cold for the Sparrow in her tracksuit and hoody! She had to turn back leaving the Silverback and I to soldier on.
With my all-weather fur coat I was untroubled. The sea temp is still about 21, so I kept encouraging the Silverback to throw the ball in the water. When we got back I had a quick rub down with a towel and dog-napped on the verandah, in a sunny corner sheltered from the wind.
It had been too cold for the Silverback to take his hands out of his pockets and take photos on the beach, so I was wandering about the house looking for good subject matter this afternoon when ‘ching’ a text arrived from mother of the grandkids!
Has anyone noticed how well the current crop of grandkids can smile on cue?
Their lives are documented with daily photos and at least twice weekly videos. It’s going to make the ‘seven up’ documentaries look very superficial.
Anyhow, no point waking the old fella from his afternoon nap, here’s the grandkids showing of their photographic subject skills!
Cheers for now,

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