Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Coffee shock

A sunny day, got the washing hung out, and after our respective gym sessions (though my leisurely pedalling can't technically be called that), haircuts for both (not Archie) and yet another blood test, we set off to go down to the canal to visit the new Edinburgh Printmakers' base, which JR hasn’t been to yet.

However, as we walked across the Links, the dark clouds that had suddenly appeared developed into a few spits of rain. So we diverted to the nearest dog friendly cafe for a coffee. We've been lots of times before, JR paid, and I asked how much extra it was for soya milk. I was most annoyed to discover it was 50p extra. 50p!! No mention of this extortionate charge on the menu. I asked the waiter when he brought the coffees, he just said, 'Everybody charges that.' I begged to disagree, and quoted a few places. 30p now sounds very reasonable. Won’t go there again!

By the time we came out it was blue skies and sunshine again, but we weren’t sure about going any further. Besides, I didn’t want the washing to get wet, so we came home. Archie had a great run around though.

We had a leisurely afternoon bingeing on NOW TV.

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