Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Camden Town

After checking out of the hostel and checking the bags in at the station we headed to spend the day at Camden Town wandering through the miles of little market stalls and shops. I love Camden. I've never been on a Sunday before though and eventually the masses of people started to drive me a bit crazy. At one point I was stood in a queue of people who couldn't actually move anywhere for 5 minutes!

Got some nice new birthday treats for myself though.

Had dinner in town then headed to Euston to kill time before the sleeper train home. Don't know what had happened but the place was crawling with police. At one point I'd gone for a little wander, two policemen/dogs started running towards a platform. Next thing I know there's a loud noise, glance around and about 20 police are heading full pelt in my direction. Needless to say I got out of the way really quick! Wish I could have got a photo of them though.

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