Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Geek day

Saturday was spent very differently from my usual days in London. My flatmates wanted to visit some shops so we wandered through london trying (successfully) to track them down. Most of them weren't really my sort of shop (I'd call them geek shops but they probably have a technical name) but one of them did have very cute stuffed toys.

We then visited Covent Gardens so I could stock up on lovely new perfumes from B never too busy to be beautiful then it was on to the Noel Coward Theatre to see Avenue Q. I was surprised, it was actually good. As we'd been to an early showing we headed to Brick Lane for dinner. Got a lovely curry with 30% off and first two rounds of drinks free. Yay!

The photo was taken through a shop window in a little back street. We assumed and hoped that it must be an art gallery. Rather odd to see such cute little butterflies painted on such nasty looking weapons.

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