Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


So: back to work. A lot of people still aren't of course and as a result the atmosphere in the office was noticeably quiet. Despite that, I had enough to keep me busy for the day. This next three months will be about unremitting detail and relationship management. I'm happy to do both but when you are trying to do twenty hours work in a ten hour working day it ceases to be enjoyable.

Head cold mostly better but a bit of a roller coaster - odd times in the day when I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep. And colds always make me deaf, which means I feel as if I am wearing a cotton wool helmet. By way of example, made the mistake of doing a fifteen minute meditation when I got home and the combination of tiredness, head cold, and relaxing stream noises sen me into a deep sleep.

Took delivery of a wireless keyboard for my iPad today - how cool is that? Pictured here with the ubiquitous Apple product in the background.

On a more thoughtful note, our lives as a family changed for ever seven years ago today, so I am lighting a candle of remembrance tonight and thinking in particular of The Girl Racer and Top Gun. Your mum would have been proud of you guys, as am I.

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