A Grand Day Out

So earthdreamery, aka Bob and J and I set off earlyish this morning for a lads day out running the fells. Bob and J are simply the nicest guys you could spend time with and we would have have had a great day out if we'd driven to the Lakes had a coffee and driven back such is the richness of the convsersation and companionship. But we've all got Jura in our sights if not in our legs so the hills was the bonus, and what a bonus.

Having failed to find somewhere to park in Kentmre as we were delayed by our need to boost our caffeine levels at Wilfs we were delighted at the kindness of strangers as one of the residents offered us the use of his drive to park our car.

So off we set, hopeful of some effort and rain later but not too soon. We were resigned after a mile or so to the clag as we climbed the stone staircase into the cloud. Things started to look upwith a view to Kentmere Reservoir.

Bob and I soon became simply too excited for words as we were treated to a some light and cloud play for a short time, here's Bob capturing his blip today - assuming the tripod position.

If you're interested a few more
How can you not run on that !
Jon making a play to be blipped
My kind of High Street
Todays blip in mono

We then wandered around in the cloud and mist, content that we'd taken our photos, chatting about all kinds of stuff, Italian Men (and women), Roman roads, work, children, being unfit, our collective handsomeness, should we actually use one of our 3 compasses, running shoes, where were we on that map, nearly naked blipping, and on and on.

The conversation whilst entirely wholesome on the journey home, will stay off blip. A day of days with the best of company. We'll be repeating this again before the months out, and hopefully have Spartan with us this time to add to the magic

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