A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


This morning was more work than any of us expected as we popped out to do a few errands that I anticipated would take about half an hour only to get home about two hours later. Kids were very patient and even positively helpful; especially as their presence prevented me from being overly sarcastic to an officious bank clerk.

Home in time for a quick bite before handing out to panto land at the Lyric, Hammersmith. I will see three pantos this season and this is my absolute favourite. I was positively giddy by the end. Giddiness only heightened by receiving a text offering me a free ticket to see Stephen Fry and Mark Rylance in Twelth Night tomorrow. Possibly ill-timed I then needed to speak to our new manny (male nanny) to confirm him starting next week. He didn't seem put off.

An evening visit to the torture chamber (machine Pilates class) has suitably calmed me down / worn me out.

This was the ceiling at the start of the panto. Nice to keep a little festive sparkle going.

Lesley x

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