Muddy park

The eldest was sick in the night - again!  I called 111 this morning (it's been going on for 2 weeks), they said exactly what I expected... keep an eye on him...  There was an upside, the husband and I both were wide awake after our early hours clearing up and looking after the eldest, but you know he's a good one when he goes down and makes hot chocolate (without prompting) and then you have one of those really good chats about all kinds of things. 

Bit of a long day - tired, slightly under the weather eldest.  The husband was at work all day preparing for his professional qualifications, the boys and I cooked, laundered, cleaned and hung out together.  The husband came home and took them out to a local park - called the 'muddy park' by the eldest.  The boys loved the opportunity to show-off their new bikes to the husband (who is also rather proud of it all). The youngest loves to go barefoot, hence his lack of shoes in the picture.  I got a lovely run in whilst they were out, many, many more needed. 

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