A time for everything

By turnx3

Dry fountain

A sunny day , but still cold - not getting above freezing. I had Ladies Fellowship at church this morning, and a class this afternoon. The afternoon class - Environmental Treasures of the Tri-State has been rather disappointing overall, but today's was actually very interesting - about the Pre-history of Ohio - the different Indian groups that had lived in Ohio and the various mounds and other remains they left behind. He had two powerpoint presentations, showing slides of the various artefacts that have been unearthed as well as slides of various archaeological digs - often done in just a matter of weeks before the land is due for development. He was a very good speaker and it was a very interesting presentation. After that I decided to fit in a short walk at Glenwood Gardens and get a few photos, before heading home to get dinner and go out to Jubilant Singers.

I have back-blipped Saturday and Sunday!

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