A time for everything

By turnx3

Remnants of snow

I went up to my friend E. for lunch today, and then she showed me how to crochet. She's become quite an expert - her latest projects have been several lacey design doileys, using fine cotton thread, in quite intricate designs. I stayed till about half way through the afternoon, then came home and managed to fit in a long, brisk walk around the neighborhood before having a light meal, and going back up to Miami University to see the Wind Symphony and Symphony Band concert. The picture is misleading, as there's really a lot more snow than that still around, especially where it got piled up by snow ploughs, or shovelled off driveways. We had a record snowfall this February - more than we usually get in a whole winter, all in the month of February! They're promising us warmer temperatures and even some sunshine by the end of the week! Then in the evening it was up to Miami University again for a concert featuring the Symphony Band, which Laura plays in, and the Wind Symphony, a more select group that her roommate plays in.

One year ago: Dry fountain

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