My changing life

By Shelley2011

Getting your hands dirty!

Today I upset mike first thing - need to talk that out yet - put an atmos into our town trip :(
After made rolls a d had Jed Mand zac shay and dan round for lunch - zac and shay staying so j and m can get some talky time - they bought us all prezzies :) bless
So then we all went to to dry ski slope to go on the toboggan run - but it was fully booked :( so we went in the cafe for hot choc - fully booked :( so went trampolining but not on in holidays :(
So came home and made spare ribs and sweetcorn and pasta - zacs fav - melody not keen last time - but loved it this time! Proper knawing on the bone like a Neanderthal!
So relaxing bath for zac (candles, 'champagne!' Music lights dimmed - shay had last time she stayed and apparently I said he could have this time)
Then plopped melody and shay in with them and all was good until zac screamed blue murder - which turned out to be an eyeball full of soap
Anyway all fine and now gonna watch celeb bb :)

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