Sno tubing!

Today, after some faff , i went swimming with zac shay mike melody - mike can't swim so getting him in a pool anytime is amazing! Melody used her delphin armbands - they are so cool - she loves them! Unfortunately melody did a sick in the big pool (mike said) and a poo in the shower.. Nice!
Then cafe for lunch and melody slept and we went to the ski slope - did sno tubing (sliding down big hill on an inner tube) and tobogganing - mike and I used to do this too 10 years ago - with kids on, doubles, singles, head first, no brakes, drunk etc but it's changed! So strict! No under 4's so luckily melody asleep! No under 8's alone (zac gutted) no over 8's in pairs (shay gutted) nonetheless we a had a laugh and then went in the lodge for a drink after.
Zac and shay been so great - really helpful and lovely - came home for dinner bath and then drive to Bodmin to take the kids home - stopped for a bit bit home for 9.30
Another strange bedtime for melody!

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