Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Private room

The day started well with everything going as expected. A nurse was taking a blood sample when one of the health workers pulled my curtains over. I wondered what was going on. She then proceeded to ask if it was ok to move me to a private room. I was confused and intrigued and said yes immediately!

So, this is making ALL THE DIFFERENCE to my mental health, not that I was unhappy in the ward with others, but I was getting over sensitive to some hospital smells and if any beds are empty in the evening, it means you're not going to get a proper night's rest.

So, my room has it's own toilet, but no shower. I've got two wash basins and my own drinking water supply. I also have two large windows and a view!! But the best thing of all about having one's own space, is the ability to listen to music! I don't like being plugged into headphones and really wish I'd taken G up on her offer to bring my little Bluetooth speaker in! The day was a breeze, until the doctor came and said I wasn't going home any time soon. He couldn't be any more specific than that. Argh!

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