My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Flock or a Wedge...........

..............of swans! On the way to my second Panto of the season, I spied what I thought were a lot of white sacks in a field! As I got nearer I saw about 20 swans grazing - have only seen them on the water previously. Unfortunately I could not get a shot of more than 4 or 5 together but I think this shot of 4 taking off was the one of the best.
I am not sure what the correct name is for a number of them but a "Flock" is apparently the usual term when they on the ground and "Wedge" when they are in flight. Whatever the correct name, they are indeed beautiful birds.
A friend and I went to see Beauty and the Beast at Newark - we go every year to the matinee with all the kids and we boo, hiss and wave our arms about as required and make absolute fools of ourselves and have ice cream in the interval! A second childhood for both of us!! The "star" of the show was an elderly comedian by the name of Bernie Clifford ( The older ones of us will remember him and his emu -I think it was a emu - anyway its yellow!) - he must be in his 70s but is still extremely funny and I laughed until I cried and - no smut!

Weather started off bright and sunny but as we were indoors, I don't know what it was like later. Driving home, it was a lovely moonlit evening - didn't see any meteorite showers though.

Click on "L" to see bigger swans!

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