The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The ragged edge of summer

I'm tired today. My to do list is long, but I promised myself that if I ticked off a few items, I could earn some jigsaw time. I've started a new one, because the one I blipped on Friday smelled damp, and was making me sneezy and weepy.
Out with the new one! But oh no, still makes me sound and feel as if I've got hayfever.

I hung out the washing instead. Took it in when the rain started. Fed next door's cats.Retired to bed to watch the Vietnam war episodes I missed last night. Took the 2017 puzzle catalogue from the jigsaw box with me. Big mistake. All my symptoms came back. By now I'd done a bit of cleaning/puzzle dust removal, and taken a one-a-day anti allergy tablet, so this was annoying. Researched hand held vacuum cleaners. Fell asleep...

Yep, it was one of those days. But I can hear Steve blowing his nose, so maybe we both have summer colds. I will have to get rid of a lot of jigsaws if this really is an allergy.

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