Trefor beach

A very damp and misty day today.
In the morning I started to take down the Christmas decorations down and managed to take one tree down. I shall finish tomorrow !
My cousin came round in the morning and shortly after she'd left, two of my brothers turned up and I gave them lunch. After they'd left, I drove to Trefor with my son and nephew. I hadn't been on Trefor beach since my school days and I'd forgotten how beautiful it is. It was really foggy on the way there but the beach was pretty clear of fog. I must remember to go back there on a sunny day in the summer.
My son was quite reluctant to go for a walk and moaned for the latter part. On the way home he said he wasn't feeling very well and when we got home, he fell asleep on my lap.
I drove my nephew home and we stayed for tea at my brother's.
Meanwhile back home in London, the girls were back at school.

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