Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Oh I do Love to be Beside the Seaside

Penultimate day before a return to the stark reality of Dubai once more!!

What better way to spend it than a trip to the seaside! Though the wind may howl and the temperature freeze your nose and fingertips....the sky look morbid and grey and the sea churn blustery white horses onto the pebbled beach....It was fantastic.

GK may look 'cool' literally....but we wouldn't have missed seeing the channel for a morning of chores and dusting back at the lodge! Seize the day was the motto for the hour!

We were duly rewarded with two well behaved furry friends who gallantly sat on the cold cold pebbles without a murmer and posed as though they were having the time of their lives!

A rolling stone gathers no moss....think the wee car should have kept moving...its probably been holed up in that parking bay since the summer waiting for the sun to shine!! It was really an advert for artificial grass!!!!! Not a lot of chance for sales methinks...not with all the rain which is the very thing that keeps the lawns and gardens of England rampant in their growth!!! He would be better trading in lawn mowers!!

....And the beach hut....aaahhhh....the beach hut. Didn't take this because it happened to be number 13 (the number of our flat) or because it was pink (all ready and prepared for the next breast cancer challenge!) Not at all...took it because.....well....just because!!!

A great roundup of our to the dusting and the packing up!!!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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