It is World Photography Day and I have been thinking about how much of my current lifestyle is all about photos! Taking photos, looking at photos, sharing photos, learning how to take better and different photos, meeting other photographers, sharing what knowledge I have with others and reading books about photography or photographers. Blipfoto photographers have been major contributors in letting me see beautiful places all over the world and to learn about other customs and life styles. Photography has been my door into new adventures and new ways of seeing.
While I was working, photography was something I did but it was not the passion that it is now. Mostly family photos and vacation photos. How times have changed!
We don't all have to make the perfect photo, have the latest and best editing software and the highest dollar camera and lens. We can use a phone camera or a cheap point and shoot. We just need to love taking photos of what we love and sharing that love with others.
We also need to print our photos especially our family photos. We need to put these prints in a shoebox or an album to pass them down to the next generation. No one, five, ten or twenty years from now, will look at photos on a computer that we have stored digitally. No one will be able to see the way we were with our parents and grandparents, our kids and and even pets that we loved. Technology changes so whatever we are storing photos on now may not even be acceptable in the future...remember floppy disks! Photo paper lasts a long, long time!
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