
We finally got started on the backsplash today, and then stopped for lunch and family. So we (my wife) will be back on that tomorrow.

The original kitchen was some horrible colour, white cabinets and a black back splash. But the black was just oppressive and sucks the light out of the room. Plus it's a complete git to keep clean as well. So it's being changed to a much lighter set of colours (in the photo) that should brighten this kitchen up no end.

New counter top are installed. Quite pleased with them, but they're under wraps to provide a work surface and protect the nice new surface the counter top has.

My job this afternoon was painting bathroom ceiling - always fun as the paint drips down the paintbrush and down your arms, and then the cut in paint in the lounge. Plus repaired the wall in the lounge as well. Tomorrow I'll paint most of the front room, but the repaired bit I'll have to come back to next week.

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