New Toys

JB got his third collar today plus name tags so he's looking pretty good. My wife bought the collar this time and looked at the alternatives, eh the leather collars with studs and so forth, so I was quite pleased when she agreed that they would give the wrong impression of JB if he had one of these collars that accentuates the aggressive looks. Nope, JB is to look like a pet.

Yesterday he was a complete pain in the rear end all day long. Just excitable at just about everything. But today he was so much calmer and easier to live with. And the evening ended with him on my lap fast asleep and snoring.

It could be that I'm walking to work today that's getting an edge off his energy, or it could be my wife playing with him earlier. No idea but he was worn out today.

Cannot believe my wife has taken to him as much as she has though. She was a total cat lady before, now she's cat and dog lady. Even she'll admit to rather liking our dog.

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