
By astudyinscarlet

notes on a scandal

more strictly, notes from a meeting to discuss a proposal which one school of thought would probably call a scandal if you offered them the word. let's just say those directly affected are, at best, unhappy and those indirectly affected (everyone else) mostly haven't even realised they will be affected because of the way this thing is being presented. and now we have to turn this into something workable (if the proposers will listen) if we don't want to be faced with having to make their version reality.

tho i'm trying to think that there are those out there far worse off than me, i keep coming back to the thought that in two months' time under current proposals i lose 40% of my work and thus 40% of my salary. and because of other changes going on separate to this proposal, there's a chance that i might lost that 40% next week. and of course my place of employment being what it is i won't find out til next week...

it doesn't take einstein to tell you that i'm a bit of an eeyore about life, never been one for the glass-half-full concept. but on this one, i think you'll forgive me wittering on about being scared!

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