
Up early for BBC radio Scotland interview about the launch.

Ended up in the 5 to the hour slot before 7 where interviews often end with the music leading up to the pips rising in the background.

Still, a good opportunity to promote the value of Scotland’s communities coming forward to volunteer to take decisions with and for children and young people who need help. more details on

Then into a discussion with our volunteer leaders about the future.

Our daughter and her fiancee were returning from a holiday in Malta and their flight was delayed. So I worked out after the meeting that I could get home and see them before they headed to Lancaster.

The very lengthy tram and bus journey almost prevented me from meeting up - I would have been quicker walking but the rain was falling and I was not properly equipped - but I got 15 minutes with them. Their dog was delighted to see them; just as our dog was delighted to get his house back to himself.

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