Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Friday Alley 1

As mentioned a few days ago, I'm attempting a mini series on alleyways and arcades down my way. It will be an occasional series :)

I'm linking it to the One Street project that has been started by (though my Alley's are not all in one street~well this one isn't). I am not good at poetry, but I like a bit of history, so I'll be trying to research them....

Reading on the History of the County of Berkshire Website, I discovered that this Arcade (Alley) used to be part of an 18th Century market hall, a building of brick.

I have taken this shot from the BartholomewStreet Side, and you can't quite see, but at the other end it comes out into the Market Square where the Town Hall is basically back to back with it!

The Arcade has a hairdresser, a barber, a flower shop, a Christian Bookshop and Cafe named after a famous local man, Christopher Shoemaker, another cafe and at the Town Hall end, Strada and an estate agents on the other side.

At this end the side of a local menswear shop, called Badgers and a Kitchenmonger shop also the side window. Above there are flats, and I gather there is quite a chequered history of people being evicted etc. from these flats!

As you can tell, its a busy little Arcade (well it wasn't when I took this shot around 9am this morning, but I did have to keep stopping as people went into it, or came through it) :)

The Arcade signboard, I have put in my folio here

My weekend off starting today thankfully :)

In pain still, so I'm reluctantly taking the strong painkillers and have a chillout, pottering day to try and shift it completely, especially as I'll be out all day tomorrow. I'm off with my friend to the Kennet Valley Weavers, Spinners and Dyers group that I have visited before! Look out for a 'crafty' shot tomorrow all being well ;)

Have a great day blippers :)

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